HomeIntroductionThe United Nations

The United Nations

The League clearly midwifed systems that exist to this day and defined norms that have since gained wide authority. This can be very clearly seen through the World Health Organization, which succeeded the League Health Organization; UNESCO that took the place of the Committee on Intellectual Cooperation; and the Trusteeship Council which inherited the duties of the Mandates Commission.[1] Moreover, a number of Conventions have codified language that was drafted during the war and alongside the League as well as citing League Declarations and documents as precedents for decisions and judgements. The UN, which officially came into being on 24 October 1945, is of a similarly international character with the objective of taking action against issues of security facing humanity, such as peace and security, terrorism, human rights, disarmament, and the list goes on.[2]

[1] Susan Pederson, “Back to the League of Nations”. The American Historical Review. Vol. 112, No. 4. (2007): 1112.

[2] “Overview” United Nations, accessed 1 October 2015, http://www.un.org/en/sections/about-un/overview/index.html.